New Year, New Resolutions: Add Sugar-Free Candy to Your Diet Plan

As the New Year unfolds, it’s the perfect time to renew your commitment to a healthier lifestyle. Explore the sweet side of well-being by incorporating Stutz Candy’s delightful sugar free candy options into your diet. 

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How Chocolate Molds Came into Being

Although chocolate has been around for centuries, chocolate molds, like the personalized chocolate molds we sell in Bucks County, are a relatively new phenomenon.

We’ve talked quite a bit here on the history of different candies, but we haven’t really touched on chocolate molds. So in this blog post, we’re traveling to 19th century Europe to explore this unique form of candy-making.

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Paying With Chocolate: A Sweet History Lesson Experience

Spend enough time reading our thoughts on dark chocolate, and you’ll realize that we love talking about the history of our favorite confection.

Regular readers of the blog know that history stretches back to the pre-Colonial Americas, when the Mayans and Aztec enjoyed an unsweetened chocolate drink that they’d flavor with things like hot peppers and corn meal.

In fact, we get the word chocolate itself from the Mayan word for “bitter water”: xocoatl. The Mayans saw cacao – the chief ingredient in chocolate – as a valuable symbol of life.

So valuable, in fact, that they may have used chocolate as currency.

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Chocolate History: The Evolution of This Sweet Treat Over Time

chocolate history: cocoa powder, cacao pods, chocolate bars

We may never know who discovered cocoa in the Amazon 4,000 years ago, but we owe them a debt.

Without that person, we might not be here writing this post. The Stutz company might have made shoes or sold insurance.

But how did we get from the cocoa prized by the Aztecs and Mayans to the boxed chocolates we all enjoy today? It’s the start of the school year, so here’s a history lesson on the evolution of chocolate.

Continue reading Chocolate History: The Evolution of This Sweet Treat Over Time